The 14th Annual Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference is over. Stay tuned
for the 15th Annual CFP, in Seattle, Washington,
- Ongoing Discussion & Conference Reporting:
- CFP blogs
Wed April 21 [PDF] -
Thurs April 22 [PDF] -
Fri April 23 [PDF]
Press Coverage
- Program:
- Online Program (last updated
April 22; includes links to blogs, audio recordings of plenaries & keynotes,
and handouts / presentations where available)
- Onsite Program PDF
- Pre-Program
Mailer & Poster PDF (454K)
- CFP Student Paper Competition Award Winners:
Daniel Benoliel, "Law,
Geography, and Cyberspace: The Case of Territorial Privacy"
James Moyer, "Security Document
Theory White Paper."
Jason Young, "Digital Traffic Cops: Recommendations
for the Canadian Cybercrime Initiative."